Nantys Ltd. is a Swiss consulting firm located in Berne and Zurich, specializing in human resource (management) related issues and topics.


The company’s activities and offers include the following main areas:

Aptitude assessments or assessments (assessment centers).

We offer aptitude diagnostic assessments (assessment centers) for companies and organizations (business-to-business) as well as individuals (business-to-consumer).


These can be used, for example, to answer the following questions:


  • Selection assessment (recruitment, selection of professional and managerial staff)
  • Development assessment (personnel development)
  • Career orientation assessment (career planning)
  • Potential assessment (clarification of job-related potentials)
  • Management audit (clarification of competencies in the management team)
  • Talent Management Assessment (identification of talents for targeted promotion of own human resources)
  • Mergers & Acquisition Assessment (evaluation of human capital in the acquisition of company units or entire companies)


We can offer you the following forms of assessment:


  • Aptitude Diagnostic Screening (assessment short form)
  • Blended assessment (mixture of online assessment and face-to-face assessment)
  • Assessment or development center (evaluation of job-related characteristics in a group or team)
  • Half-day assessment (aptitude diagnostics for four selected key competencies)
  • Three-quarter-day assessment (aptitude testing for six selected key competencies)
  • Full-day assessment (aptitude diagnostics for eight selected key competencies)
  • Remote assessments (assessments conducted at a distance)

Psychometric test procedures

Since 2006, Nantys Ltd. has been developing psychometric online tests that meet the highest scientific quality standards and allow the following topics relevant to occupational psychology to be assessed:


  • Job-related emotional intelligence (EQ or emotional quotient): the EMCO4 is about the four emotional competencies: Emotion Recognition, Emotion Understanding, Emotion Regulation, Emotion Management. This test lays the foundation for discussing the following topics: Identification and appropriate interpretation of emotions of other people (in leadership, management, sales, etc.), dealing with emotions under stress and pressure (burnout prophylaxis, resilience) and the ability to use appropriate conflict management strategies in conflict situations.
  • Job-related broadband diagnostic (online assessment) for a wide variety of different questions: The Blueprint focuses on the three areas of “Capacity” (the intelligence or intellectual performance prerequisites), “Willingness” (professional motives and interests) and “Personality” (the job-related personality of people), which are offered in a comprehensive procedure.
  • Assessment of job-related personality traits: the Nantys Personality Assessment NPA in its two forms: “Executive” and “Full-scale” offers reliable measurement of a wide range of job-related personality traits that can be assigned to the “Big Five” or OCEAN model of personality.
  • Measurement of professional interests and motives: The Wannabee online test allows the scientifically based assessment of professional interests as described in Holland’s RIASEC model.
  • Competency assessment for (prospective) apprentices: The Compass is about the broad assessment of vocationally relevant both intellectual and personality-related competencies as well as vocational interests of adolescents and young adults.
  • Tailor-made tests: for your specific questions, we can put together a test battery that exactly meets your needs. We can tailor tests to capture exactly what you need, for example, if you need to identify the right people (“mass-screening”) in a larger or large candidate pool, quickly, reliably and efficiently.
  • Customized test development: we can also offer you to develop specific test procedures on special topics (e.g. personal integrity, leadership competencies, etc.) together with you, in a scientifically sound manner.

Trainings and seminars

We offer professional seminars and trainings for the following topics:


  • Psychometric test training: we offer all test users well-founded training and courses for the training of appropriate test interpretation and application.
  • Training courses on work and organizational psychology related topics: Together with our specialized partners, we offer seminars and workshops on topics such as: contemporary leadership of employees, conflict management, dealing with stress and strain (resilience training), communication in the work group or management team, dealing with generational conflict in the workplace, etc.
  • Assessors trainings: we offer a certifying seminars for professionals who would like to work in the field of professional aptitude diagnostics.

Other consulting services

  • We establish contact with our experts in the field of (psychological) coaching and make sure that aptitude-diagnostically recorded characteristics are also included in the consultation.
  • Based on our many years of experience in dealing with professional competencies, we are happy to support you in the (further) development of your competency model so that it can be well integrated into your HR processes and accurately reflects your corporate or organizational culture.

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