Product training courses

Social Competence Test, Nantys-SoCo

This test procedure deals with the assessment of the personality’s important social skills in the context of professional activity. As part of the proposed training, you will have an in-depth overview of the structure, interpretation and applicability of this psychometric personality test.

Online evaluation, Nantys BluePrint

This is an e-evaluation, which allows a complete and cost-effective evaluation of 3 important areas: a) the capacity (intellectual capacities), b) the will (structure of interests and motives) and c) the being (professional personality) of a person. Detailed training allows you to use the test independently and conduct your investigations under the direction of a director.

Emotional Intelligence Test, Nantys-EMCO4

This test, developed in collaboration with researchers from the University of Geneva, is a psychometric performance test that reliably measures 4 facets of emotional intelligence. In this context, we offer accredited training courses for users and training modules for the 4 different areas of emotional intelligence (emotion recognition, emotion regulation, emotion regulation, emotion regulation and emotion management).

Competency assessment for potential learners, Kompass Nantys

This test procedure concerns the assessment of skills and competences relevant for the training of young people with the aim of matching performance and personality characteristics with professional challenges in the context of entry into working life.

Thematic training courses

Training of evaluators

This is an in-depth training course whose objective is to lay the foundations for the work of a professional evaluator. During this training, you will learn to know the different test procedures and exercises that can be used in a professional aptitude assessment, to deal with the process and design of an assessment or assessment centre and to acquire the knowledge necessary to take an active part in the assessment process.Training on specific topics in work and organisational psychology. In this context, we offer you tailor-made training (or advice) on different A&O topics, such as employee leadership, conflict management, occupational health management, change process support, HR process definition, skills modelling….

Schulung zu spezifischen arbeits- und organisationspsychologischen Themen

In diesem Rahmen bieten wir Ihnen massgeschneiderte Schulungen (bzw. Beratungen) zu diversen A&O Themen an, bei denen es zum Beispiel um die Mitarbeitendenführung, das Konfliktmanagement, das betriebliche Gesundheitsmanagement, die Begleitung während Veränderungsprozessen, die Definition von HR-Prozessen, die Kompetenzmodellierung, etc. geht.

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